THIRD TESTAMENT : : : Neobiblica
Deck of Two Choirs
This six-card deck can be used in two distinct ways. One may use the cards as an Oracle,
interpreting the meanings of the figures and Angels on a single drawn card. Some suggested
interpretations for this purpose are included on the virtual copy of each card, though you may
interpret them more broadly as you wish, taking into consideration the three testaments and
apocrypha or other lore.
The other way to use this deck is to play a fast-paced social deduction elimination game for 2-5 players.
The rules for this game are as follows:
The object of this game is to be the last player standing. Everyone draws a card and keeps it hidden, unused cards
remain face down on the table. The card you hold is your role; on your turn you may conduct an action based on your
role. You may also choose to bluff about what role you hold. In either case, declare your action before taking it, i.e.:
"The Prophets observe the spare cards." At any time during a given player's turn, another player may call a bluff. If
the player was indeed bluffing, they are eliminated, if not, the one who called bluff is eliminated. A player wrongfully
called on a bluff may either keep their original role or secretly take the role of the player who called them. The other
role is placed in the unused pile, which is shuffled. Play begins with the player who suggested the game, or the player
to the left of the previous hand's winner, then proceeds clockwise.
The actions for each role are as follows:
The False Idols may force all players to redraw their roles, however, if they are called on a bluff while forcing a draw
(whether claiming to be the False Idols or the Gods), both players are eliminated.
The Saviors may cancel any assassination. A thwarted Assassin may choose to turn in their card, shuffle, and redraw.
The Assassins may eliminate a player outright.
The Gods may force all players to turn in their cards and redraw their roles.
The Prophets may look at the unused cards.
The Crucifix may draw an additional role and then take another action. At the end of their turn, they should keep only one role.
Whichever way you are using the deck, The cards are NFC-enabled for your convenience.
Simply enable Near Field Communications on your mobile device and then tap it on the card
to bring up the virtual version of the card, which includes the role action for the game as
well as suggested interpretations for divination.
Virtual Cards: